Elementary School

Step into the vibrant halls of St. Mary’s School, and you’ll instantly feel the transformative power of a faith-filled Catholic education. Here, our dedicated faculty not only educates but nurtures, knowing and caring for each student as if they were family. It’s a place where camaraderie thrives, and where students support and uplift one another on their academic and spiritual journeys.

Within our safe and nurturing environment, students not only excel academically but also flourish spiritually. Our holistic approach to education combines an exceptional academic program with the moral compass provided by Gospel teachings, creating an ideal setting for growth and development.

In our elementary grades, students spend their days immersed in a rich curriculum guided by expert educators. From core subjects like Mathematics, Science, ELA, Social Studies, and Religion to enriching experiences in Fine Arts (Music and Art) and Physical Education, every aspect of their education is designed to inspire curiosity and creativity.

With small class sizes, we ensure personalized attention and tailored instruction to meet the unique needs of each child. Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to align with both the Next Gen Learning Standards and the Diocese of Albany Catholic School standards, ensuring that our students receive a top-notch education that prepares them for success in an ever-evolving world.

For aspiring Kindergarteners, our screening process ensures readiness for the exciting journey ahead. To join our Kindergarten program, students must be 5 by December 1st, embarking on a path filled with discovery, growth, and endless possibilities.

At St. Mary’s School, we invite you to join us in creating a vibrant community where faith, knowledge, and compassion intersect, empowering our students to become the best versions of themselves. Welcome to a place where every moment is an opportunity for transformation. Welcome to St. Mary’s School.

A diverse group of children sitting in a classroom, eagerly raising their hands to participate in a discussion.